☰ Milan Loviška
Slovak Splendid

In this relatively short participatory performance the artist invites the audience, regardless of gender, to whip or alternatively kiss his ass. The work refers to the controversial, heteronormative cultural tradition known as “Šibačka”, which takes place on Easter Monday in some regions of Slovakia. On this day, people with female sexual organs get whipped with a “korbáč” (Easter whip) made of willow branches. The symbolic purpose of this pre-christian custom is to keep these individuals youthful, attractive, and most importantly, fruitful. The artist deliberately places himself into their position for 15 minutes to explore the alleged transformational impact of the ritual on the male queer body.

Concept / Performance: Milan Loviška
Duration: 15 min

Premiere: 19 August 2023 @ Queer Museum Vienna / Volkskundemusem

A production of Milan Loviška

Photo: Otto Krause 2023